
Productivity Commission appointment raises GST red flags

Productivity Commission appointment raises GST red flags Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ appointment of Danielle Wood as the Productivity Commission chair is a red flag for WA’s fair share of GST, and perhaps even the death knell of the Productivity Commission. The Labor Party opposed the PC before it was even established

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Voice could end up being flop of Fyre Festival proportions

Voice could end up being flop of Fyre Festival proportions​ Remember the buzz surrounding Fyre Festival, touted as the ultimate luxury music event promising an unrivalled experience on a tropical paradise? With world famous music acts, A-list models, social media influencers, and lavish amenities promised, excitement reached a fever pitch

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Cook is now chief and that leaves WA wide open on GST

Cook is now chief and that leaves WA wide open on GST The appointment of Roger Cook as WA premier will set off alarm bells for many West Australians regarding the security of our GST arrangements. Anthony Albanese’s decision when he took office to reduce WA’s Cabinet representation back to

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